One Punch Man: 10 times Saitama fought seriously and made everyone scared (Part 2) 2
Below continues the list of 5 times `holy bulge` Saitama fought really seriously, making everyone scared.
Friendly match to test strength with Genos
Saitama and Genos are one of the best teacher-student pairs in One Punch Man and it can be said that no one respects the bald guy more than this student.
And this became an interesting battle when Genos tried to launch attacks that he always prided himself on having a speed that no one could dodge, but was criticized by Saitama as being too slow and lacking in power.
Saitama shows off his strength to Sonic

Sonic Super Thanh is also one of the highest ranked characters in terms of speed.
In one case, Saitama goes all out on his Maji Hanpukuyokotobi attack, or the Serious Side-Hops technique to knock Sonic out with pure force.
The battle between Saitama and Boros

Boros is the leader of a universe-wide crew of `gangsters` called `Dark Matter`.
And finally, right on Earth, Boros met the `rival` of his life, which was Saitama.
Saitama with Elder Centipede

Elder Centipede is classified as a Dragon level disaster and is one of the core members of the Monster Association.
Saitam realized he was late for the supermarket sale

Saitama’s emotional excesses make up much of his character’s comedic value, especially since they tend to revolve around the smallest of things.